It's of utmost importance that I be transparent with you all right now, and not just about the pair of parachute pants I still own from 1987.
No, the truth you should know is this:
If there was one thing I would want to change in this world, it would be the "food wars" we wage against each other. In fact, this might be my new mission in life: To join the human race in one connecting truth. The truth that we're all doing the best we can with what we believe in any given moment of our lives in order to nourish ourselves and our families.
The truth that there is no "one right way" for every single person in the world. The truth that diversity (in our beliefs AND in the way we eat and take care of our bodies) is what keeps us learning and growing, and is something to be celebrated - not ridiculed (yes, even in the case of processed foods, which we'll talk more about in a minute).
The truth that we are ALL in this together. All of us. You and me. Us.
And that's why I think "Cart Anxiety" is an important place to start, because it starts in the open. It starts in a place where we're the most vulnerable. In public, where everyone can see our vices, our unmentionables, our triumphs and our weakest moments.
Continue Reading...Do You Have Cart Anxiety? (Deal With It) – Part 2