If there's any kind of blog post you'll want to stop reading immediately, it's the one that starts with the question, "What is reality, anyway?"
Let me ask you people a different question.
So ...
Reality. What is it, anyway?
Some people might say it's what the general population has preconceived and agreed on. Some people would say it's only what can be studied, measured, and labeled. Others, something unknowable except through faith.
Or maybe reality is a vast government conspiracy plotted and implemented by the shadow elite, who are really alien overlords, and we're all just living energy food, from which they feed through our television screens as we fall comatose to the rhythmic skirt swishings of sitcom star and secret reptilian Zooey Deschanel.
She does have gigantic eyes. Coincidence?
Continue Reading...Making Friends With Reality and Zooey Deschanel